

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 北京市 沙河高教园青年创业大厦
  • 姓名: 李先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    供应GCT-150B高低温交变试验箱厂家 高低温交变试验箱供应 高低温交变试验箱报价

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 试验箱 高低温试验箱
  • 发布日期:2015-04-19
  • 阅读量:216
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:GCT-150B
  • 产品数量:100.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京  
  • 关键词:GCT-150B高低温交变试验箱厂家,,高低温交变试验箱,高低温交变试验箱报价

    供应GCT-150B高低温交变试验箱厂家 高低温交变试验箱供应 高低温交变试验箱报价详细内容

    1、    内部有效容积: 
    2、    内部有效尺寸: 
    3、    外形尺寸: 
    4、    温度范围: 
    5、    温度均匀度(空载时):≤±2℃ 
    6、    温度波动度:≤±0.5℃ 
    7、    温度偏差:≤±2℃ 
    8、    升温速率:≥3℃/min(空载时) 
    9、    降温速率:≥1℃/min(空载时) 
    2.试验箱门结构:单开门。门锁,铰链等五金配件为日本 “TAKEN” 原装进口配件。 
    3. 箱门均带导电膜中空玻璃观察视窗,观察窗尺寸200×300mm。观察玻璃上带有电子加热器,防止冷凝和除霜。 
    7. 箱内风道采用双循环系统,由长轴轴流风机,不锈钢多翼式离心风轮及循环风道组成,上出风、下进风箱内温度均匀,提高了空气流量、加热和冷却的能力,大幅改善了试验箱的温度均匀性。 
    8. 出风口为不锈钢可调百叶式出风口。 
    9. 加热器用不锈钢316L鳍片散热加热管,升温快,寿命长。 
    10. 防凝露带导电膜中空玻璃视窗及耐高低温的欧司朗照明装置,安装于箱门中部,能清晰观察到内部试验物品在试验过程中的变化。 
    11. 电源柜:包括门锁、控制开关、保险丝、磁热开关、电机过热保护等。电源板的电路单元将按照EN规格设置。 
    12. 箱体左侧面安装一只缆引线测试孔?25mm一个。 
    6.    电气控制系统: 
    (  U盘功能选配)    
    本设备制造满足   GB/T 2423.1-2001 试验A:低温试验方法; 
    GB/T 2423.2-2001 试验B:高温试验方法; 
    GJB 150.3-1986   高温试验; 
    GJB 150.4-1986   低温试验; 
    (1) 制冷系统及压缩机 
    1.   制冷压缩机:  原装进口法国“泰康”全封闭制冷机组,单级式制冷 
    2.   冷却方式:    风冷 
    3.   制冷剂:      环保型制冷剂R23、R404A 
    4. 主要制冷附件:意大利“卡士妥”电磁阀;墨西哥“ALCO”干燥过滤器,膨胀阀;中国台湾产板式换热器;美国“RANCO”压力控制器,油压控制器等。 
    5.     品质优良的国内、外**品牌的风冷式冷凝器和鳍片多段式蒸发器。 
    (2) 制冷系统优点 
    1.       改进的润滑性能和较低的活塞温度带来更大的可靠性; 
    2.       流线型机身改进气流管理;减少压强,提高了制冷效率; 
    3.       **部卸荷阀提供持续较小排泄管脉冲; 
      1. 具备电源缺相、错相、电压不稳定保护; 
      2. 具备加热器短路保护功能; 
      3. 具备制冷机过热、过压、欠压保护; 
      4. 具备漏电/断路保护功能; 
      5. 具备工作室温度**调保护(二级温度保护); 
      6. 具备设备故障自诊断功能; 
      7. 具备样品带电(可外接电源)试验测试功能; 
      8. 具备压缩机电流过载保护功能; 
    9. 具备设备故障声讯报警功能; 
       2.电源:AC220V±10%, 50HZ 
       1.熔断器                                     2只 
       2.操作手册                                   1份 
       3.保修卡、合格证                             1份 
       4、控制仪通讯软件、通讯线                     1份 
    4.       SENTRONIC提供可靠的润滑保护系统; 
    5.       使用不被Montreal公约或伦敦修正案禁止的环保型制冷剂R23、R404A(不含CFC) 
    Alternating high and low temperature test box twelve characteristics:
    1 what use CNC bending, laser drilling, production test box.
    2 spray strictly by user powder, powder used is not a recovery, strong adhesion without motley.
    3 window frame using one-time mold manufacturing, industrial strong sense.
    The dashboard, 4 disposable mold making beautiful and generous, the dashboard using high end PVC stickers labels, adhesive with 3M glue.
    5 casters manufacturing Qidong Baiyun electronic factory free height adjustable casters, non market fake products, first-class quality, elegant appearance.
    All the standard drawings welding 6 refrigeration system, ensure that each piece of equipment through pipes and completely consistent, the refrigeration performance can reach the best state.
    7 electrical system wiring standard drawings, wiring is completed only thirteen inspection process, ensure safe wiring, no hidden trouble.
    8 waterway system three cup water level control, ensure that the humidifier water and wet ball water level completely separated. To avoid the temperature fluctuation of the humidifier water.
    9 complete water and electricity separation, eliminate the fault caused by water electrical short-circuit adverse effects.
    10 with the water filtering device, to ensure access to the humidifier water purity, to avoid fouling.
    The 11 insulating layer is made of high density polyurethane foam, to avoid the traditional plug insulation cotton insulation, easily lead to uneven thermal insulation effect is not ideal shortcomings.
    12 unique low-voltage insulation heating wire design, which avoids the equipment leakage risk, and makes possible to ensure uniform heat, even under low -60 or high temperature of 150, the whole body is still maintained at room temperature, not hot not sweating.
    The main technical indexes of MAIN TECHNICAL FEATURES
    Equipment use:
    Suitable for high temperature test or constant test of large electrical and electronic products and other products, spare parts and materials, simulation of temperature change under conditions of quality and reliability testing of products, spare parts and materials.
    The effective volume of 1, internal:
    2, the effective size:
    3, dimensions:
    4, temperature range:
    5, temperature uniformity (no-load): < ± 2 ℃
    6, temperature fluctuation: ≤ ± 0.5 ℃
    7, the temperature deviation: ≤ ± 2 ℃
    8, ≥ 3 ℃ heating rate: /min (no load)
    9, ≥ 1 ℃ cooling rate: /min (no load)
    And the main characteristics of CONSTRUCTIVE MAIN FEATURES box structure
    The overall structure?
    1 and the whole body shell are made of 1.2mm cold plate by CNC machine tools produced electrostatic spray form, color is beige; test indoor wall materials for the SUS304 advanced corrosion resistant stainless steel plate, reasonable structure design, sophisticated manufacturing processes, appearance. According to the test room temperature requirements, design of insulation layer thickness: 100mm.
    The door structure of 2 test cases: single door. Door locks, hinges and other hardware accessories for the Japanese "TAKEN" imported accessories.
    3 the box door with conductive film hollow glass observation window, window size is 200 × 300mm. Electric heater with a watch glass, prevent condensation and defrosting.
    4 the rear part is provided with an air conditioning system, the box is provided with adjustable air supply device.
    Between the 5 doors and door frames imported sealing materials and unique silica gel sealing structure, good sealing performance.
    Heat insulating material between the 6 inner box and the outer box for superfine fiberglass insulation cotton, have good effect on the insulation heat or cold.
    7 the air duct with double circulation system, by the long axis of axial flow fan, stainless steel multi wing centrifugal wind wheel and a circulation air channel, a wind inlet, under uniform temperature inside, improves the air flow capacity, heating and cooling, greatly improve the uniformity of temperature test box.
    The 8 air outlet for stainless steel adjustable louvered air outlet.
    The 9 heater stainless steel 316L heat sink heating pipe, heating up fast, long life.
    Osram lighting device 10 anti condensation with conductive film hollow glass windows and high and low temperature resistance, and installed in the box door central, changes can be clearly observed internal test items in the test process.
    11 power supply cabinet: including door locks, control switch, fuse, thermal magnetic switch, motor overheating protection. Circuit unit power supply board will be set in accordance with the EN specifications.
    12 the left side mounted a cable leads 25mm a test hole?.
    Air circulation system?
    Interlayer air duct system in test box at the rear, its distribution within the heater, fan, evaporator. When the fan rotates at a high speed, the studio air suction duct, and the heat generated by the heater is blown out from the air, heat exchange with the sample in a studio, the air heat exchange after being sucked into the air duct for mixing; repeated cycle, so as to achieve the target temperature requirements, and ensure the test box to obtain higher temperature evenness index.
    Control system
    6 electrical control system:
    The 3.1 controller (model): imported from South Korea TEMI-880 programmable temperature and humidity control instrument
    3.2 display: 5.7 inch 16 bit true color touch screen
    3.3 operation modes: program mode, value mode
    The 3.4 set: Chinese menu, touch screen input
    3.5 program memory capacity: program of 120 groups,
    Each program contains the program of 1200 sections,
    All cycle, up to 999 times
    Scope: temperature 3.6:
    According to the temperature scope of work equipment adjustment
    (+5 ℃ -5 ℃ upper limit, lower limit)
    The 3.7 resolution: temperature: 0.1 ℃; time: 0.1min;
    The 3.8 input: thermocouple
    3.9 communication function: RS232 communication interface with standard
    (U disk function matching)
    The 3.10 affiliated function: alarm and the causes, treatment prompts, power-off protection function, upper and lower

    欢迎来到北京艾诺德仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市沙河高教园青年创业大厦,联系人是李先生。 主要经营电性能检测仪器 力学性能检测仪器 试样制备仪器 环境试验检测设备 燃烧性能检测仪器热分析热物理检测仪器 海绵泡沫检测仪器 材料检测试验机等。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司以高品质的工艺生产,有质量保证的前提下,赢得广大用户的信赖与支持。主营皮脂厚度计,不锈钢采样器,塞氏,所有产品皆能享受质量保证,价格优惠,发货及时,规格齐全,非标定做。公司产品面向全国批发销售,货到验收付款,诚信有保证!